Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Thousands brave downpour to protest Kabuye arrest

Thousands of Rwandans converged at the Germany Embassy to demostrate against the Rose Kabuye’s arrest in Germany.

NYARUGENGE - Thousands of Kigali City residents braved a heavy downpour that washed the city yesterday afternoon when they took to the streets in protest against the weekend’s arrest of Rose Kabuye, the Director of State Protocol.
Kabuye was arrested in the German city of Frankfurt as she arrived at the airport on state duty. The arrest was based on the heavily contested indictments issued in 2006 by French Judge, Jean Louis Bruguiere, against nine senior Government officials.
“It is a shame for Germany to arrest an innocent woman just 70 years after the Holocaust…you should be arresting the Genocidaires who are freely roaming in your country!” read one of the many banners that were held by protesters who converged at the German embassy in Kiyovu, a Kigali suburb.
The peaceful demonstration was held under a heavy deployment of riot police that controlled the masses who were consistently chanting “we want our Rose back.”
A former Mayor of Kigali, Kabuye is among the nine former members of the Rwanda Patriotic Army (RPA) who were indicted by Bruguiere. [more]http://www.newtimes.co.rw/index.php?issue=13711&article=10699

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