Sunday, November 9, 2008

Journey to White House-Barack Obama

President-elect Barack Obama
Baby Obama

Barack Obama Sr with Barack Obama jr in honolulu, Hawai that time Obama was in P 5.

Obama with his mother

Obama(r)with his mother and step father and his sister Maya

Obama early life

Obama posing with his grand mother Sarah Hussein Obama in Kenya earily 80's

Obama posing with grand father Stanley and grand mother Madelyn (who died 2 days before election day) in New York when they visited Obama at Columbia University.1982

Obama posing with his kenyan family.

This time Obama 's High school graduation in Hawai with his grand father and grand mother

Obama graduation day in Hawai 1979.

President-elect Barack Obama with his first family.Michelle Obama,Malia Obama and Sasha Obama

Obama and Michelle.That how it is!!!

It was a very long journey to reach White House, and long journey to reach the Martin Luther King jr's dream. This is part of Martin Luther's King jr's dreams he stated in his historical speech.
Dear brothers and sisters, let's also take part to change our continent, the future is our hands.
I hope one day we will make it, as Obama made this historical victory.
May God bless Africa and whole World

 Congratulation Mr president Barack Hussein Obama.

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